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More than a thousand words? The effect of photographic material on problem awareness and behavioral intentions regarding the sustainable consumption of mobile phones
2021-08-10 返回列表
Regina Kempen 1,* , Shirin Betzler
Osnabrueck University, Institute of Psychology, Seminarstrasse 20, 49074, Osnabrueck, Germany
Keywords: Photographic material Mobile phones Emotions Problem awareness Sustainable purchase intentions
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of emotionally connotated photographic material on problem awareness regarding sustainability and sustainable behavioral intentions of mobile phones. In a prestudy (N ¼ 110), photographs related to the ecological and social sustainability of smartphones were tested for their valence and arousal. Photographs with a high arousal level and either positive (positive condition) or negative (negative condition) valence were selected. In the main study (N ¼ 435), these photographs were tested in a three-factorial experimental design. Each photo condition contained one pair of photographs depicting ecological and social sustainability. Results indicate that displaying negatively connotated photographic material leads to a higher awareness regarding the problems associated with smartphones compared to the display of positive photographs and a message only. However, no effect was found for the intention to consider sustainability in future purchase decisions or recycling intentions of mobile phones. The effect of the negative photographs on problem awareness was mediated by the credibility of the information presented. Based on the findings, limitations and practical implications are discussed. Specifically, understanding the effects of different types of photographical material on problem awareness can represent the basis for the successful design of marketing or information campaigns regarding the sustainability of mobile phones.
To read the full article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100018
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