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Technology Integration
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A framework for studying outcomes in industrial symbiosis
2021-08-11 返回列表
Christoffer Wadstrom * , Maria Johansson, Magnus Wallen
Department of Management and Engineering (IEI), Division of Energy Systems, Linkoping University, 581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
Keywords: Industrial symbiosis Circular economy Energy Waste Wastewater Analytical framework Economic value Sustainability State of the art review
It is likely that different industrial symbiosis collaborations will have different sets of winners and losers when it comes to benefits or costs. In this study we present an analytical framework intended for evaluating a wide-range of industrial symbiosis outcomes that will aid in research design. The framework provide a base for including a broader, but also, specific set of effects and outcomes (economic, environmental and social), including a diverse set of clearly defined actors. Used consistently, the framework can average out costs and benefits across actors in the whole society, so that each actor is more likely to (over time) realize net positive outcomes from a full set of industrial symbiosis applications. The analytical framework is developed by combining theory and concepts from the system of national accounts, the planetary boundaries, and the social foundation. The analytical framework is then applied in a state of the art review, analysing value and benefits in 56 industrial symbiosis research articles. Besides providing a robust model for analysing industrial symbiosis, the results show that private market-based outcomes are the dominant form of economic value and that nonmarket valuations are completely absent. Environmental outcomes mainly consist of decreased CO2 emissions, chemical pollution and water use. Social outcomes include private income and work and network effects for the companies involved in the industrial symbiosis.
To read the full article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.111526 
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